Monday, July 15, 2024

A return to the Emerald Chandelier

On Saturday, my tea-loving friend Beth joined me for a trip to the Emerald Chandelier tearoom in Griffin, where I enjoyed tea last month. I was delighted that Beth enjoyed the tearoom as much as I did!

It was a beautiful day, and the blue sky matched the blue cottage itself.

We were in a different room than last month's tea, so it was nice to be able to explore even more of the lovely decor.

The place setting was different as well, and I must say I loved seeing all the pretty tea wares, especially the fancy chargers.

The afternoon tea menu was the same as last month's (described here), and Beth and I both enjoyed the food and teas. I knew it changes every two months, but I enjoyed it so much that I didn't at all mind having the same food again.

Once again, that Creamy Chicken Wild Rice Soup hit the spot and was the perfect intro for the delicious treats that followed!

Hearty tea sandwiches and a chilled peach soup were some of my favorites this time.

And while there are several chandeliers throughout the tearoom, I found myself eyeing this one and thinking that would look nice in my house!

And a fun note about prayer: Beth offered to say the blessing, and it was so touching to know that my dear friend continues to keep me in her prayers. Now, she didn't stand up and yell in the middle of the tearoom or anything, but later on, a woman at a nearby table told us that her granddaughter said, "Look, those ladies know Jesus too." Isn't that sweet? It made me so happy that I have a praying friend and that she modeled prayer for a young girl. (It turned out I had actually met the grandmother, a fellow writer, years ago!) Then as we got ready to leave, I noticed a discreet little box where you can leave a prayer request at the tearoom "if you would like us to pray for you." Isn't that a lovely gesture? It was certainly a lovely teatime, and I'm already looking forward to my next visit to the Emerald Chandelier.


  1. The tearoom looks wonderful but the prayer request box really warmed my heart.

  2. I'm glad you were able to go to that great tearoom again! It looks like so much fun.

  3. Beautiful tea room and the food looks delicious. I'm grateful your friend shared prayer and had a distinct impression on the little girl.

  4. What a lovely tea room and special friend to enjoy it with. The table and foods look wonderful. Their prayer request box is a blessing.

  5. The Emerald Chandelier looks and sounds like a lovely tearoom. I'm glad you had another great visit.


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