Yes, friends, the week so many of us have been waiting for is finally here! I have been talking about hosting a Royal Wedding Tea for years now, and my girlfriends and I are so excited! I've already got some baked goodies in the freezer, the decorations are ready to go, and I'm almost through finalizing my menu, so bring on the Royal Wedding! For my fellow fanatics, I wanted to share some of the Royal Wedding goodies I'll be using to help celebrate. First, I was thrilled to finally find these Will and "Ka-tea" tea bags I've been reading about for months now! I'm sure most of you royal watchers, like me, have seen these teabags in news stories online, but I wasn't prepared to pay the cost of ordering them from the maker in Germany. Happily, Books a Million had a whole table of Royal Wedding goodies and that's where I found these.

You can sip from the Prince William teabag or ...

... perhaps you prefer Kate, who looks rather like she's in a hot tub, doesn't she? I'm not actually going to sip these teas until Friday, but I did want to let you know where I found them.

Buttons, anyone? Books a Million also had these. This is the one I'll be wearing on Friday, because it matches my new teapot pajamas. If I can find a matching hat, I'll be wearing that, too.

I can't decide if I want to actually *use* these William and Kate paper dolls or not. Perhaps I'll just display the book in one of the little vignettes I'll be creating.

These are some of the Dover paper dolls that are so popular (I also have Victoria and Albert and Charles and Diana ones), and I love that you can go online and download the wedding outfits later. Fun!

My friend Joanie found this royally fun product at Bath and Bodyworks and was kind enough to share! Behind the Union Jack there is a small bottle of antibacterial gel. Too cute!

And T.J. Maxx made my decorating easier by offering these sweet little gift sets I'll be using on Friday.

I've also pulled out this small plate I found for $1 at an estate sale last year.

And finally, this vintage Welsh Guard doll was a Christmas gift from a friend the year I went to London. Can you tell I'm excited? Are any of you going to be watching and/or tea partying during the royal wedding?