Wednesday, October 7, 2020

A Dollar Tree shopping alert

I'm always grateful for those of you who alert me to new tea goodies, so I thought I'd report on a few tea-related things I found at Dollar Tree over the weekend. First, the Christmas wares are quickly appearing, and I love the design of these plastic containers with cups on them. I bought some zip-lock bags with this same design on it at Dollar Tree last year.

Now, I'm picking up a few of these containers to use when giving Christmas treats. I often like to give things on vintage plates, but not everyone appreciates vintage things, so I like to have a contingency plan for giving food gifts.

The book section at Dollar Tree was especially fun to visit this time. I bought a mixed media book I like, and behind it, I found this book of coffee cozies. I have a tea press in this same shape, so I flipped inside the book to see if any of the designs appealed to me. 

This teacup did …

… and so did this coffeepot (too tall to be a teapot, but it's still pretty).

And who knew there was a whole book of madeleine recipes? Somebody at Chronicle Books should have gotten the word out to the tea lovers, because I *know* we would have wanted this when it came out in 2012. Still, waiting a while and getting it for one dollar is pretty nice too. Happy shopping, friends!


  1. I just saw the “We love madeleines “ book on Amazon for $12.95, what a great bargain!

  2. We have a Dollar Tree close by now - yay! So I think I need to buzz over there soon and see if I can find those cute containers and maybe a book or so. The price is certainly right!

  3. That madeleine cookbook looks like fun! I do love madeleines (maybe I'll make some today). I don't have a Dollar Tree close by. Whenever I go to visit my sister in Chapel Hill, we always make sure we take a trip to her Dollar Tree, since it's so much fun.

  4. Great treasures, Angela!!!

    My daughter knitted me a French press "sweater" cozy last year for my birthday. I use it all the time. I have two presses - one for coffee and one for loose leaf tea when making some for myself. It works perfectly with loose leaf - and her cozy keeps things so very nice and warm waiting for the 2nd and 3rd cuppas.

  5. I was hoping to see these containers at Dollar Tree, but the ones I saw weren't nearly as pretty. But then I saw that exact design on some mugs! I got a few to share with my sister. Each mug comes in a box, and they're a nice tall size that will be very nice for hot chocolate and, of course, tea!


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