Teacups Full of Treasures
By Mary Grace Birkhead
Integrity Publishers, 2006
A couple of years ago I was browsing some racks of used books when I came across a delightful little gift book I'd never seen before, Mary Grace Birkhead's "Teacups Full of Treasures: Let the Names of God Be Your Source of Strength." It's a devotional book in which the focus is on the Old and New Testament names for God. Its pages are illustrated with photos of teacups (the author was inspired by her grandmother's teacup collection), and of course I thought this was simply a great idea!
Since many of the women I meet in "tea-dom" are involved in ministry, whether it's one-on-one or in an official capacity at their church, I thought some of you might like to be on the lookout for this book, which would also make a great luncheon gift (if you could find enough of them!) or speaker gift.
Years ago, I took Kay Arthur's Bible study on the names of God, and I have to say it greatly enriched my prayer life. Instead of just going to God with my never-ending laundry list of requests, I love that I can reflect on *His* character during my prayer times. A friend's father had a heart attack this week, so I ask Jehovah Rapha (the Hebrew name meaning "The Lord our healer") to take care of him and heal him. An old friend from high school is still in dire need of a job, so I acknowledge that God is Jehovah Jireh ("The Lord who provides") as I ask Him to meet that very real need in her life. I like to read through these names of God periodically to remind me of the many ways God is able to meet our needs, and a teatime devotional on the names of God is certainly my cup of tea!