Friday, November 2, 2007

Sew Somerset Tea Party Tags

The publications from Stampington and Company are by far the most inspirational ones I pick up each month. While other magazines give you a set of specific how-to instructions, Stampington's designs are more likely to offer why-to instructions. "Make this design because it will be fun. It will let you be creative. It will let your art flourish."

When I heard they were coming out with a new title, Sew Somerset, I couldn't wait to see it. For one thing, like some of you craftier tea lovers, I already have all of these supplies on hand: cardstock, rubber stamps, a few ink pads, fabrics, a sewing machine.

These Tea Party Tags by Connie Govea Stuart are quite clever, I think. I've got a few old family photos I want to use to create tags like these. What will I use them for? Gift tags, of course. Inserts in cards to fellow tea lovers. Bookmarks. Anyone else want to share an idea for what to do with these tags?


  1. Thank you so much for pointing this out! I had not heard of this magazine, and I will look for it!

    BTW - I'm going to refer to your blog from mine today, as something I'm reading often.

  2. Ideas? C' many blogs now? For your 200th celebration, why not have several with your past header pictures from your blog site...I sure would not mind being the winner of that one!

  3. Hi Angela!!!
    What a nice venue to have
    a mention...I love It/
    and the ritual ot Tea as well!

    thank YOU! :)

  4. Wow, a "celebrity" mixed media artist (Connie) has visited our blog. Groovy!


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