Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Some Tetley Tea history I never knew …


A few months ago, I was at a local antique mall to spend a gift certificate my husband had given me. I spotted a neat vintage Tetley Tea tin that I thought I might use to decorate with one day, so I came home with it. Well, I've been gathering some red, white, and blue items to decorate with sometime before July 4, and it occurred to me that this could work.

I just love knowing that this tin once contained "100 tea bags." I wish tea came in such tins today. Don't you?

But I clearly didn't pay close attention to all the words on the tin when I bought it, because only this week did I note that "Savannah, GA" was printed on the tin. Excuse me? So I googled some Tetley history, and lo and behold, the Tetley entry on says, "Across the ocean in the United States, Tetley Tea Incorporated was continuing to grow due to the popularity of the tea bag. In 1950 the company opened a plant in Savannah, Georgia …" Who knew? I did not, and from now on, I will do a better job of actually reading *all* the words on the tea tins I purchase!


  1. That is such a great tea tin, and I did not know that bit of tea history either!

  2. The Tetley Tea tin is a super fine! I look forward to viewing your July 4th display!
    Jan H

  3. "find" not fine

  4. How sweet that you had a gift certificate that your husband had given you...this makes this purchase all the more special. Your tin is the beginning of a great Red, White an Blue display for the 4th of July. Bonus is the tea history you discovered.

  5. That Tetley tea tin is wonderful!


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