Friday, June 28, 2024

A delightful new teacup card

I'm learning to work smarter, not harder, so when my friend Kathy shared photos of the teacup-themed dies she'd recently ordered, I quickly asked, "Can I use them next time I visit you?" And as expected, she responded with an enthusiastic yes. But what I didn't know was that she would be sending me a beautiful card she'd made with them as well!

Kathy is a perfectionist when making and mailing her cards, so she pays extra for hand-cancellation, but I'm too cheap—uh, thrifty—to do that, so if your card from me gets a little smashed in the mail, well, I tried.

But the other surprise was that she went ahead and sent me some of the die-cut teacups so I can start practicing with this card design! (If you're interested, too, she got these from The Greetery here.)


  1. Oh, how cute! Those dies are going on my wish list for sure.

  2. That's a beautiful card! And it was so kind of your friend to share her dies and knowledge with you.

  3. Kathy's card is beautiful. Be sure to show us what you make.


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