Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A new way to dispense honey

Isn't this place setting lovely? My friends and I oohed and aahed over the pretty dishes at the Emerald Chandelier last week and especially these gorgeous pink scalloped chargers and rosy dessert plates.

We were quickly served hot tea, and it was so refreshing to get tea that was properly prepared and piping hot! Marie and I had the Snowflake Tea, a coconut and almond tea, and Peach Gingersnap Tea, both quite delicious, while Cynthia opted for a black tea instead.

It's rare that I come across something new on a tea table, but this honey dispenser was so nifty that I asked if I could buy one to take home with me, and I was delighted that the answer was yes! (Both friends did so as well.) The teas I had were both quite tasty without honey, but as soon as I saw this gadget, I wanted to try it. The dispenser sits above a small bowl of hot water, and I could see immediately that this would be a great way to keep the honey pourable. One quick press of the handle and I had a little honey come out the bottom of the dispenser and into my teacup!

When you're done, owner Teresa explained, you empty the hot water from the bowl on bottom and can plug the dispenser to have it ready to go next time.

I thought this was such a brilliant and easy way to serve the honey, and I'm looking forward to using my dispenser with many cups of tea!


  1. That is so neat. I've never seen a honey dispenser like that before.

  2. A fine upgrade for dispenser! Search for honey dispenser with hot water base and this one will come up. You do have lovely places for tea. Not the case here in northern Ohio.A local “tea room” was a big disappointment due to tea it offered. Would have done better right at home.

  3. Wow, that honey dispenser is very clever! I've certainly never seen one like it before, either. I'm glad you were able to buy one.

  4. Oh, I like that honey dispenser! What a great idea. And the pink charger and plate are gorgeous, too.

  5. I often have the problem of my honey getting thick; what a great way help the honey stay pure and ready for my tea. I have never seen such a thing as this dispenser.

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