Thursday, May 31, 2012

So Delicious Green Tea Coconut Milk

Quite a while back, perhaps even last year, two different friends told me about finding some green tea ice cream at the grocery store. My friend Joanie has never led me astray, so on her recommendation I headed to the store she told me about but they were out of it. Then my friend Deberah even posted about this treat on her blog, but alas, it was not in stock when I went for a pint. Either A) my friends enjoy messing with me B) the stores can't keep this stuff in stock or C) it just wasn't meant for me to try it back then. At any rate, I'm thrilled to report I have found, purchased and enjoyed some of this delicious ice cold goodness!

I keep wanting to call it "ice cream," but technically it's So Delicious Dairy Free Coconut Milk Non-Dairy Frozen Dessert in the Green Tea flavor. That's a mouthful to say, but it's a happy mouthful to eat, I'm tellin' ya! The green tea taste in the ice cream non-dairy frozen dessert was subtle, and the coconut flavor was one I'd never have thought of pairing with green tea, but it works!

This was a great cool treat, and definitely something I plan to purchase again—if I can find it! (Found mine at the Kroger on Lower Fayetteville Road, local friends.)


  1. That sounds delicious and I like that it is soy free too.

  2. Just recently heard about this and will now have to scout it out. Your review made it sound like a 'must try'. Thanks!

  3. Will have to see if I can find this in my area. Love the pink Tea Room Depression Glass Sherbet that you used for serving!

  4. You know I have seen that when shopping (what is it exactly about the word TEA that zings right out in front of all other words?) and didn't buy it because, well, frankly that mouthfull of descriptive words kinda made me shy away from it.

    I must try it now - a cool tasty tea treat is perfect for these warm summer months ahead and both my girls are dairy intolerant, so they may love it!

    Thank you for yet another wonderful recommendation, and thank your friends for suggesting as well!

  5. Now that sounds yummy! I love the green color in the pink dish, so very pretty.

  6. Sounds great I will have to look for this.

    Lil Bit Brit

  7. Looks delicious, especially in the pretty pink dish. Wish I had a Kroger nearby!

  8. sounds good! I'll have to look for it at the grocery store.

  9. OK, MMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! Must try.


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