Friday, November 4, 2011

Lots of interest in Pinterest!

It was only a month or two ago that I first heard the word "Pinterest." I was visiting the site of a blogger who mentioned having discovered Pinterest, and when I learned this was a "virtual pinboard" for helping you keep up with all the pretty things you find on the web, I knew I wanted to play too! I went to the website here, requested an invitation to join, and less than 24 hours later I was in. You can do it too, if you're interested!

Why have a virtual pinboard? I don't know about you, but I often seem to have about a gazillion bookmarks on my computer(s) for the things I see and intend to go back and revisit, but I rarely do. With Pinterest, you can "pin" all these great ideas to your Pinterest board and have them all nice and tidy, right there in one spot where you can find them when you need them. So far, most of my Pinterest boards are tea, garden and craft related.

Frankly, this concept is one I had to get in there and do instead of just reading about it. And if you're curious about what's on my own Pinterest board (which is still quite new), feel free to click the red Pinterest button at top right of this post. I'll no doubt be following some of YOUR Pinterest boards too!


  1. Love this site. It's feeding my creativity!

  2. yaaaa I am pretty much a junkie. I own it too. If you can't find me with my child, working, sipping tea or baking cupcakes...chances are I am pinning.

  3. I love, love, love Pinterest -- so much fun and lots of awesome ideas and recipes. :)

  4. Pinterest is great! Before I might find a great idea but forget where it was located on the web. Not anymore, I just pin it and go back to it when I want.

  5. I know what you mean about the gazillion bookmarks. Pinterest is a great idea and looks like lots of fun. I like your board - can't get that pretty teapot, cupcake stand out of my mind.

  6. Totally agree, Angela. I really was skeptical and didn't accept several invitations to join, finally I joined and thoroughly enjoy it.

  7. I love Pinterest..but really have to start getting on and pinning. As an interesting side note...people have been pinning my blog photos....for some time and I didn't even realize this was happening! lol

    nice to meet and follow your blog.
    stop by and visit with me...I'm currently hosting a giveaway.

    ciao bella

    Creative Carmelina

  8. So far I've resisted joining Pinterest. But I'll probably break down and do it one of these days.


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