In my day job as a magazine editor, I am sometimes called upon to attend local functions, usually to judge some sort of contest or perhaps give a speech. Last Monday, I was delighted to be asked to attend an event where I would just show up, have fun, do one tiny thing, and I didn't have to prepare any remarks at all! This beautiful quilt is the annual Opportunity Quilt raffled off by the Common Threads Quilt Guild to support their many charitable efforts, and I was asked to draw the winner's name. How fun is that!

When first asked several weeks ago about drawing the winning name, I had to assure the guild I had not, in fact, purchased a raffle ticket myself. After seeing a photo of the quilt, I was sorry to say I had not, but at least I would have fun on the night the quilt winner's name was drawn.

It looked pretty on the website where I first saw it, but "live" it was even more impressive. Here's another closeup of the design.

Isn't this feathery quilting beautiful? It was just a gorgeous, gorgeous quilt with vibrant fabrics and lovely stitching.

And again, all I did was draw the name, and the club president presented me with this amazing gift basket of goodies. Let me assure you, never has a woman received so much for doing so little!

There was so much in the basket I'll have to show you over two days, but I have to mention my favorite thing was, of course, this beatiful Portmeirion "Pomona" pattern teapot featuring an apple design. While I do have Portmeirion teapot Christmas ornaments, I have never actually owned a full-size Portmeirion teapot. I love the unique design on the teapot lid, and I also am drawn to the pretty V-shape of the spout. (Is there a name for that, teapot experts?)

Of course chocolate is always a welcome treat, and these chocolates introduced me to a maker I'd not heard of before,
Chocolate South. Aren't they pretty?

I've always wanted to sample some of these elegant-looking chocolates to see if they taste as good as they look. The answer: Yes!

And guess what the flavors were? Green Tea with Mint (the green ones) and Georgia Peach Tea (with the hearts)! Both varieties were so rich and creamy and fresh tasting, and I enjoyed them very much with my evening cup of tea!