Do you love rooibos like I do? I don't think I've ever tried a rooibos I didn't like, and this one is Key Lime rooibos from Teavana. The only thing I *don't* like about rooibos is that the tea is too fine to be captured by most of the tea strainers I own. Sure, you can use a paper tea filter, but sometimes I just really want to see and sip the filtered tea. I've tried making it in a tea press, and that just resulted in a royal mess.

I'd love to hear what you use when making rooibos tea. Paper filter? Strainer? Tea press? And do you use different types of strainers for different types of tea? Any advice would be most welcome!
I just bought blueberry rooibus so will comment later on the strainer I used. I do have a fine mesh one so after reading your post will use that one.
ReplyDeleteMy question for you is what is the pattern of your teacup? I just love it!! I love the colors and the design.
Hi, Candyce! This is actually an unmarked pink lustreware teacup and saucer, something I bought at an antique store in Asheville, N.C. last fall. If you look up pink lustreware (sometimes spelled "lusterware") on eBay, you can probably find something very close to this. And I've never tried blueberry rooibus, so please let us know what you think of it!
ReplyDeleteI have been experimenting with Rooibos for the last several months. I think that I like it, but I am finding there is a big variety in it. A few of the ones that I tried have been quite awful. What are 2 or 3 of your favorites? I would love to try them.
ReplyDeleteShades of Gray, my favorite rooibos flavors are toffee/caramel and peach, and I definitely recommend giving these a try! Oh, and African Autumn from Harney and Sons, absolutely. Flavored with cranberry and orange, it is quite delicious!
ReplyDeleteAngela--the Blueberry Rooibus was delightful. I enjoyed it very much.