Wednesday, December 29, 2021

2021 tea gifts from family

Some years, I get tea gifts for Christmas, and some years, I don't, and I'm just grateful for any gift someone gives with me in mind. At my family celebration on Christmas Day, I got several gifts that actually work pretty well together!

My niece Cari has now joined the grown-ups in buying gifts for everyone, which was a pleasant if unexpected surprise. I was so touched that she got me this pretty white pearlized teacup! I love the scalloped shape of the saucer, and I think of her whenever I use this set.

I was shopping with Aunt Jane at an antique mall last month when she spotted this Sadler teapot and asked if I would like "this pretty teapot with the roses on it" for Christmas. Before answering, I checked the price, which was quite a bargain, and said why yes, that would be lovely, and she was so happy when the clerk offered to wrap it for her in a pretty gift bag. I'm a little concerned that *she* spotted a Sadler before I did, but hey, she found me a lovely gift!

And my oldest niece, Madison, gave both Alex and me cup warmers to use at our desks, which I thought was a clever idea for two writers who like their coffee and tea. So did you receive any tea gifts for Christmas? I'd love to hear about them.


  1. I really like that scalloped saucer with the teacup! And the teapot is very pretty, too. I didn't know that electric up warmers existed--I will be interested in hearing how well they actually work for you and Alex. I did receive some nice loose teas for Christmas from one of my sisters, and a lot of nice cookies for my afternoon teas. Some of the cookies were homemade ones, baked and beautifully decorated by my sister in Georgia, and some are from Germany in pretty tins, from my sister in Tennessee. A friend gave me shortbread from Scotland, and a jar of my favorite lemon curd, so I am all set for tea-time now!

  2. Wow! If you have a snow day this winter, I'd say you are already well prepared!

  3. Your teapot and cup and saucer are pretty. I received some tea and a chai tea scented lotion.

  4. Lovely Christmas gifts! Knowing what someone enjoys makes gift shopping for them easy and pleasurable.

  5. Wonderful gifts, perfect for you! That teapot is lovely, what a great find by Aunt Jane! And the scalloped saucer is so pretty (along with its cup). My sweet tea-loving cousin gave me a lovely Royal Albert mug and strainer, a small packet of Christmas tea from Polly Claire's (yum!), a "mug rug" or hot mat with teacup fabric, and a pretty aqua tin of English Breakfast tea. She knows me well! I hope you'll have a happy and blessed New Year.


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