Friday, September 6, 2019

Two weeks from today …

So, Lord willing, I'll be at the noon viewing of the new Downton Abbey movie on September 20. My friend Kathy and I decided on our seats last night, and we're both so excited about seeing the movie. Kathy is my friend who is a Stampin' Up demonstrator, and she's thinking of doing a tea-themed episode of her new crafting videos soon, so I'll let you know when and if that happens for the benefit of those who would like to make more tea-themed gifts!

Are any of you trying to binge-watch the old DA episodes before the movie hits theaters? I am. When I'm crafting or doing needlework, I like to watch something "in the background" where I can catch a glimpse or two and still know what's going on, so this is perfect. I don't think I'll have forgotten much about DA, but just in case, a refresher course is probably a good idea. And a TV special about the movie is supposed to air on September 19, and you can read about it here.

To my knowledge, there are no Downtown Abbey teas going on in my neck of the woods, so I'm quite envious of those of you who have access to special DA events. If any of you are going to a special tea, or perhaps hosting one yourself, I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Yes, I've been re-watching all the episodes [52] from the six seasons on PBS and enjoying them all over again. Since the series began in 2010 I had forgotten certain incidents.

  2. Morning Angela!
    My sister, in the Greenville,SC area, has already bought our tickets for DA on the 20th too! We're both very excited about seeing the movie and are trying to decide how "dressed up" we want to get....That Sat. we're going to afternoon tea in Hendersonville, NC. It won't be a DA tea but still will be very enjoyable, I'm sure.
    Blessings, Linda

  3. Yippee! Can’t wait! Our local movie house is pre-screening DA September 12. It is our 38th wedding anniversary, what better way to spend it! Wish I was going to a DA tea too.

  4. Okay, I hate to admit this but I have never seen any of the Downton Abbey episodes. If it is on Netflix I will begin to binge watch this weekend!

  5. Have you seen the new DA products at World Market? There are 2 new teas, scones mixes, some preserves, etc. I want to try The Bateses' tea which has the flavor of plum pudding. My sister and I are going to see the movie on Sunday, the 22nd. as she is a teacher and lives farther away. A friend gave me a copy of The Chronicles of Downton Abbey, so I'm reading that and also plan to do some binge-watching!
    Susan K.

  6. Angela, a friend and I go to afternoon tea at a local tea shop once a month. When we had our Monthly Tea this time, the proprietor told us she'll be doing a special Downton Abbey event on the premiere day. But that day isn't going to work for us. (PS I posted my Shortbread Petticoat Tails and a tea giveaway this week!)

  7. I guess I like DA, but not a huge fan. I am sure at some point I will watch it. There is one or two DA teas going on in my area, but I will let the huge fans go.

  8. Our local library is doing a Downton Abbey tea next week. I'm excited to go!


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