Friday, April 28, 2017

Honeybush Chocolate Tea from Adagio Teas

When I recently got to choose some sample teas from Adagio Teas, one of the ones I selected was this Honeybush Chocolate Herbal Tea. I'm trying to eat fewer sweets but still crave a sweet treat occasionally, so dessert-flavored teas are nice to have on hand!

And this will sound bizarre to everyone except the gardeners, but wouldn't this make pretty mulch? I estimated the cost for my front flower beds, and the math just didn't make this feasible. (Joking!)

Honeybush is said to be a "sibling" of rooibos, and that smooth, sweet, and in this case, chocolatey taste was exactly what I'd hoped for. And because it's an herbal tea and completely caffeine tree, I feel good about drinking this tasty brew any time of the day or night! Go here if you'd like to learn more about this tea.


  1. I can see that this would be a lovely treat for evening, thanks for the review!

  2. It does sound good. We deserve these kinds of treats often.

  3. It's always good to have a caffeine free tea to enjoy in the evening.


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