Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Tea Rex the Tea Infuser

One of the tea goodies I got for Christmas was this cute Tea Rex Tea Infuser, and it was time to try him out!

To be honest with you, I knew full well this was not going to be a very practical tea infuser, more of a fun tea collectible. With such a tiny opening this guy was hard to fill with tea, but I managed, though I lost a few tea leaves along the way.

Soon I had him full, snapped his head on (that sounds sort of ugly, doesn't it?), and plopped him in the teacup. Once I added the boiling water, he fell face forward almost instantly. I couldn't help thinking, I'd probably try to drown myself too if I were such a lousy tea infuser!

As you can see, the debris field was pretty obvious when I removed Tea Rex from the cup. And cleaning out the tea infuser? Oh, my. I had to find a small knife and dig up in the pieces of Tea Rex to get the leaves to come out. Again, this was pretty much what I expected, I just needed to confirm my suspicions. But I'm still glad to have Tea Rex and am saving him to use when the little boys in my family come over so I can try to turn them into tea enthusiasts!


  1. Cute but not practical, one more reason that dinosaurs are extinct! But yes, little boys will love it.

  2. I guess the green T Rex will become a shelf sitter.

  3. Yes, that is cute and yes, I'd save it for the boys too.

  4. My 11 year old son was raised as a tea enthusiast, and he got a tea rex in his stocking one year. It makes a fun Christmas ornament on our not so elegant, but fun Christmas tree.

  5. How interesting! I'm sure Austin and Peyton would find it interesting!

  6. He is awfully cute and the little boys will love him. I have a rubber ducky one I am saving for one little boy.

  7. What a crack up! Too bad he wasn't too efficient...I guess that's why they became extinct?!?

  8. Too cute. My boys would love this. We have a local tea store called Tea Rex but I don't think they sell this item. :-)

  9. Silly! I found a Tardis tea infuser for my Dr. Who loving niece (thanks to Marilyn). Not sure if she has tried it yet - but it was a fun gift.


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