Thursday, December 27, 2012

Paromi Tea's Paradise Maté

While in Atlanta last week, my husband and I made our now-traditional pre-Christmas run to Whole Foods, and as usual I came across quite a few new teas. This one, from Paromi Tea, was especially intriguing to me because it was packaged in a glass jar!

Each blend features a different graphic on the label. A nice touch!

When I unscrewed the lid, I was surprised to find the glass jar was actually sealed, just like a new can of coffee. (I didn't realize I was taking the photo upside down, but you can see it says "Sealed for your protection.")

The pyramid shaped, biodegradable teabags of this Paradise Maté were so pretty! The blend contains yerba mate, rooibos, apple, lemongrass, carrot, candied papaya, cornflower blossom, sunflower blossom, natural essence pineapple and papaya essence. Aside from being attractive in the teabag, this blend also had a pleasing fruity scent and a great, warming citrusy taste. It was a nice change from the mint and spice flavored teas I've indulged in all Christmas. The only thing that really surprised me about Paromi Tea was that I'd never heard of this company before! Have you? If you'd like to see their other teas, visit their website here.


  1. I have never drank Maté before, so thanks for the review. Whole Foods carries such unique things.
    Blessings in the New Year!

  2. Never heard of that company but I like the packaging.

  3. Have not heard of it, but the tea does look pretty.


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