Guayusa. It's pronounced "why-you-suh." Stash Tea asked if I wanted to try this new herbal tea, and of course I said yes. How could you *not* want to try a tea whose name ends in "USA," after all!

But this tea isn't from the USA. It's from Ecuador and is a naturally caffeinated herbal tea. The tea itself looks a bit like fish food flakes. The first of the Guayusas I tried was the Guayusa and Green Tea, and I loved it! It has a rich, thick, brothy taste, and I've learned I prefer my green teas "thick" rather than "thin" tasting.

Next I tried the Pure Guayusa Tea. It, too, had a nice rich taste, and it reminded me just a bit of yerba maté but without the aftertaste you sometimes get with that. Stash's samples came with a kind of paper tea infuser bag I've been meaning to try. You fill the bag and then flip the flap securely *over* to the other side. It reminds me of custom pillowcases used with those insertable pillow forms you can buy.

And I was very happy to see this teabag system WORKS. As you can see, no stray flakes are doing the backstroke through my teacup, and that's a good thing!

Finally, saving the best for last, I tried the Guayusa and Chocolate Tea. It's really more of a "hint" of chocolate, but I liked it and raised a cup to the Chilean miners and rescuers last night! So, I give two thumbs up to the new Guayusa teas and am quite happy to have enjoyed a new "herbal tea" experience. If you'd like to try these teas for yourself, or simply learn more about Guayusa tea, check out the
Stash website for more information.
Very interesting. I thought they only grew coffee in South America! Thanks for the review!
ReplyDeleteI haven't ever tried Guayusa but I've heard about it; it fascinates me because it's in the Ilex (holly) genus...and here in the U.S. we don't think of Holly as a food or drink plant, just as a pretty ornamental tree. But there are at least three caffeine-containing hollies...Guayusa, Yerba Mate (also a holly), and Yaupon (the only caffeine-containing plant native to North America?).
ReplyDeleteCool! This is new to me!
ReplyDeleteHow interesting, Angela - I am going to try this tea, especially the one with chocolate! Thank you for the review, Joanie
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of it. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
ReplyDeleteI hadn't heard of this tea. Thanks for the review.
ReplyDeleteYour leaf shaped tea scoop is pretty.
More and more tea companies are coming out with herbals. I hadn't heard of this one.
ReplyDeleteI have been hearing a lot about guayusa since reading this blogpost so I decided to try it for myself. I researched companies that are currently selling guayusa and decided to buy from Runa because I felt compelled by their mission to protect the Amazon and preserve the indigenous peoples way of life. I bought the peppermint guayusa and was really surprised how nicely the two flavors blended. My mouth was instantly enveloped in a crisp and refreshing minty taste. The guayusa was smooth and not at all bitter. Thank you for bringing cutting edge info to us back in Oct.!