Friday, March 21, 2025

A simple coffee shop solution for tea!

My friend Joanna and I meet up every few months at a local coffee shop, Foxtail Coffee, and when we met this week, I ordered my usual: a chocolate croissant and some tea. This time, it was their Southern Peach Tea, described as "high-quality black tea from the Assam Valley of India blended with ginger, peach, flower petals, and dried apricot pieces." It was delicious!

I love this coffee shop, but as so often happens in such shops, they steep the tea and leave the tea bag in the cup. This time, I was delighted to find my tea was double cupped. I don't know whether this was by accident or by design, but once I realized my tea tasted just right, I plopped the tea bag into the second cup. Problem solved. From now on, when I order tea in a coffee shop, I am going to ask for a spare cup so I'll have somewhere to place the tea bag!


  1. Such a simple solution and such a good solution!

  2. That really IS a great idea to double-cup one's coffee-shop tea! I hate having a slimy used tea bag on my plate next to my pastry.

  3. The chocolate croissant looks delicious!


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