They say scent is one of our strongest memory triggers and I believe it. Lily of the valley fragrances remind me of the Little Kiddle dolls I played with as a girl. Sweet Honesty and Love's Baby Soft take me back to junior high. Dial soap is also a strong fragrance memory. Even today, I can just see the word "Dial" and imagine the scent of that yellowish-orange bar of soap and how it felt when I visited my aunt. There, I got to take a bath in her old claw-foot tub where she made sure I was scrub-a-dub-dubbed to within an inch of my life with Dial soap. And today Dial, I am pleased to report, has gotten with the times thanks to this new variety I came across last week, Dial White Tea & Vitamin E Glycerin Soap.

This soap does indeed contain white tea extract, which I like, and let me just say that this soap looks, smells and feels
divine. I say "feels" because I have observed that while I love those chunky, big-scented and big-sized bars of soap, they can be a bit clunky to use in the shower. This soap is the perfect size, and the rounded shape strikes me as particularly well-suited for us lady users.

The glycerine bar has a terrific silky feel, too, and I got three bars for just $1.67 at Publix last week, making this a find that's both useful and thrifty! Have you tried it?
Well, well! Glad to see it's real tea extract, too.
ReplyDeleteWe have to be the exact age!
ReplyDeleteI had Little Kiddles, loved SH and LBS in Jr. High and Dial totally reminds me of childhood!
My favorite Kiddle I kept - Violet. She lost her scent, but she is still a beauty. I also had those itty bitty teeeny weeny jewelery Kiddles. I saw one in my old Barbie box a few years ago so at least was salvaged.
Wow, you sure did just take me down memory lane.
I gotta try that soap - I use ridiculously huge clunky French triple milled soaps that my DH cuts in half for me so I can handle easier..but the tea soap sounds awesome, thanks for the tip and great post!
Will have to find some of this, I tried their cranberry gycerin soap and loved it. And Lily of the Valley scent was my mother's favorite, I feel her presence any time I smell it.
ReplyDeleteWill definitely have to look for this soap. Hubby buys Dial Spring Water Antibacterial Deoderant Soap at SAM'S Club -- drys out my skin! This White Tea & Vitamin E soap would be so much better! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI love this soap. I agree, big clunky bars of soap are hard to deal with! I think this would be the perfect soap for me.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the trip down memory lane. I too loved Little Kiddles!! I gave my daughter the few I had left from my childhood. She now has a daughter of her own and I wish I had kept them all nice for her to play with. But, who knew when you were 10 that you would have grandchildren one day? And, I wore Love's Baby Soft as an eighteen year old. I am going to try this tea Dial soap which is a long way from the yellow-orange bar soap my mom used to buy in the 70's. I enjoy your blog!!
ReplyDeleteMrs. B
I wonder if my husband would complain if I put this in the shower? :-)