Friday, March 13, 2009

It's not easy tea-ing green

Are you a fan of the color green? I like the lighter shades of green (the ones with names like seafoam, celery and moss), and any green found in nature is awesome, but when it comes to indoor color I'm not a huge fan of bright kelly green or grass green or hunter green. So it's kinda hard to get into the whole color scheme of St. Patrick's Day, and yet we try. It will be much easier this year thanks to this little boxed set, a Christmas gift from my parents I had patiently stashed away until March arrived.

Many of us prefer teacups and saucers above all drinking vessels, but I make an exception for mugs that have a) especially pretty designs b) tea company logos and c) teapots or teacups on them! So these qualify.

You know what else? I even like the design on this box. I don't know what I'm going to do with it, but I'm going to try to find a place for it in my crafts room, maybe holding all those empty teabag wrappers I'm saving for future crafts projects. So do you have any green teawares or anything special you'll be using for St. Patrick's Day?


  1. Boy, Not liking green in a home, You must have had a hard time sitting in my family room on your visit! (Ha! Ha! Ha!) I just busted out laughing when I read this. I had just finished painting that room a few days before you all came over & I LOVE it so much. Green is one of my most favorite colors in the world!
    Now for St Patty's day I do have a new Tea Pot & Cup & Saucer that I bought that has green ivy on it and that will be the extent of my display- But I love your new set!

  2. Now this is strange ... I left your home that day thinking about what a lovely BLUE family room you had! Am I totally nuts or did you have some pretty blue china on display in there? (See, you must not have OD'd on the green!) I am off work and headed to the flea market today, and watch me come home with 12 green things! Funny!

  3. I do have a lot of blue porcelain accents! How funny. Well, you have fun antiquing today!!!

  4. See my blog for today- dedicated to you!!!!!

  5. What fun it was to read today's blog and Southern Touch Catering's reply! I absolutely love green in my house. My children tease me. One day I saw a garden structure that I did not particularly care for and I commented about it. My older son said "C'mon Mom, just imagine it green!"
    So suffice it to say, I must know who made these mugs in hope of finding one for myself!
    Can you help out a green addict, Angela?

  6. A few years ago, a dear friend of mine gifted me with a darling teapot and two teacups and saucers in a green cloverleaf pattern by Shannon.(Or maybe Shannon is the name of the pattern? Not sure.) Anyway, I just loved the pattern, and since that time, I've seen a few other pieces at TJ Maxx that I've snapped up...a platter and several small plates in various shapes.I will definitely bring them all out for St. Patrick's day, and invite DH to share some tea and treats with me.

  7. Always glad to help a fellow collector, Gerri! The bottom of the mug says "MSRF, Inc." and "Made in China." Any idea what MSRF stands for???

  8. i have these mugs! a dear friend gave them to me for christmas a few years ago. i think she got them at walmart at that time. i just love them!

  9. I have never been a big fan of green, but seeing your tea and mugs may make me change my mind! They are soooo pretty (and green). *LOL*

  10. I do like many shades of green. Years ago my home in Canada had sage green walls in the livingroom.

    Your green striped mugs are nice. I have a Johnson Bros. teapot that is white with a lovely green fruit basket design and an unusual spout. I will use it for St. Patrick's Day with a pretty Irish mug.


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