Monday, July 2, 2007

A Garden Shop for Tea Lovers

Last week I had the chance to visit, once again, one of my very favorite "beach shops," Pickets in Seagrove Beach, Fla. I love going in a shop where it's quiet, not rowdy, and soft music is playing. This one features items any gardener would love, and the owner also stocks lovely tea towels, dishes, napkins and other goodies for the table. I got four pale, robin's egg blue placemats to match the new furniture on the deck back home, which has that particular shade of blue (and brown) on the upholstery of the cushions and umbrella.

The first time I visited this shop, I remember the owner asking where I was from, and she actually knew of Newnan, and knew that it was the home of Liz Tedder and her wonderful gardens at Oak Grove. No wonder this lady has such a lovely place!

So if any reader is going to the beach for the Fourth, or anytime this summer, look for the pretty archway and the little yellow block building sitting back from the road. I think you'll be pleased to find this lush little garden at the beach.

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