Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Aloha Tea's Lava Papaya Tea

I met some girlfriends for dinner the other night, and when I arrived, my friend Amy immediately handed me this bag of tea she got for me in Hawaii. I don’t know about you, but I am always so touched that someone was thinking of me on their vacation!

Not surprisingly, a burst of happy tropical scents greeted me when I opened the bag.

But very surprisingly, there was something tucked inside the bag of tea: these tea bags.

And they were nice drawstring tea bags!

I quickly filled one with the tea, plopped it in a teacup, and added boiling water. I knew from the yummy scent alone that I would enjoy this tea, and I did. It was a bright-pink color, and the taste was pleasantly sweet from the mix of apple pieces, hibiscus, rosehip, papaya pieces, strawberry leaves, pomegranate pieces, cornflower petals, passion flowers, and natural flavors. I loved the tea, and the fact that fillable tea bags were included was such a lovely surprise!


  1. You are lucky to have so many kind friends who bring you back fun teas from their travels! Those drawstring fillable tea bags DO look very convenient. I love the beautiful color of that tea from Hawaii.

  2. What a thoughtful gift! I love how the bags were included.

  3. Very nice! A friend brought me some teabags from Hawaii but they were regular teabags, not the tillable kind. Still yummy!


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