Now here's a category of tea collectible I have yet to discuss: the tea caddy. This blue one is my latest find, a vintage silverplate piece from England with a cobalt blue insert. The insert is some sort of plastic, not glass, which I actually like since that means I cannot break this!

It came with a matching spoon that hangs on the side, which will make this perfect for storing and measuring loose tea. I was also pleased the original hang tag was on the piece. The more "vintage" aspects, the better I like it. And although the tarnish shows in the photo, I polished this up afterward and now it gleams. Call me odd, but I LOVE to polish silver!

This got me to thinking about some of my other tea caddies, so I thought I'd show some of them. This aluminum one was probably part of a canister set, but I found it in an antique shop one day for just $3 and brought it home. It does have some spots, though, so I suppose I should look into how to safely clean vintage aluminum (soap and water didn't do the trick).

This ceramic tea caddy is a new piece that was a Christmas gift from my parents a few years back. It was part of the Songbird Garden collection, which was popular in gift stores at the time. Pretty, huh?

This is another piece I use as a tea caddy, but I know it was part of a vintage canister set because I have the set! My mom found this whole set (which I actually use for storing flour, sugar, coffee and tea) for 25¢ at an estate sale. As I've said before, my mom is amazing!

This wooden tea caddy is a piece I bought on eBay years ago. It's not exactly in mint condition and the lid doesn't fit tightly at all, so I don't store tea in it, but I like the look.

While my collection is more like "The Cheapskate's Guide to Tea Caddies," this little book, "Tea Caddies" by Noel Riley, shows you what tea caddies are going to look like in heaven. Inlaid wood, the finest gold and silver fittings, antique apple- and pear-shaped tea caddies and more. My caddies are nothing like these jewels, but it's fun to know these are "out there." So there you go. Those are all my caddy comments for today!