Friday, July 19, 2024

A new crafting opportunity

For the past few days, I have had the pleasure of joining my friend Gina and some lovely ladies at a local Lutheran church for a daytime craft retreat, and boy, has that helped me get caught up on my card making! Here are some of the cards I've made, and I still have one more day of crafting ahead. Some of the ladies knit and sew, some of them are scrapbookers, and Gina and I have been making cards.

I am so behind on making sympathy cards, the ones I send the most, alas, so I took a favorite stamp set and started making cards. It's always amazing that different colors of ink and paper can produce such different cards.

And once those were finished, I started making teacup cards, my favorites! I still need to add some embellishments to these cards, but it's sure been nice to get caught up on my crafting!


  1. Oh, my friend, you are going to laugh when you see what I put in the mail to you yesterday! We really are kindred spirits. Seriously, your cards are lovely and I’m glad you’ve had some good company while you crafted.

  2. Oh, I love your cards, beautiful..😊

  3. Your cards are beautiful! A week of crafting with friends sounds wonderful.

  4. A daytime craft retreat is a great idea! Your cards are so pretty, and they will raise a lot of people's spirits when you send them out with a nice note.

  5. Your cards are beautiful! You are very creative and raise your friends spirits.

  6. What fun, love your cards. Anyone receiving them would feel so honored.


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