Monday, July 8, 2024

Deb's Tea & Angela's Cake

Recently, I had just finished enjoying a nice lunch with my friend Deberah when she handed me a lovely surprise of some tea she'd made from her Camellia sinensis plant, along with a bag of mint leaves to enjoy in my teas as well.

As soon as I opened the jar of "Deb's Tea," I knew I was in for a treat. Honestly, the scent reminded me of a fresh bag of Darjeeling tea, and I'm happy to report that the taste reminded me of it too. What an accomplishment for a tea grown in a backyard in Newnan, Georgia!

And the icing on the cake, literally and figuratively, was that I got to enjoy it with a slice of the Italian Cream Cake my friend Angela shared with me at church yesterday. I have not been eating desserts nearly as much over the past few months, but I sure enjoyed this one! What's the best tea and/or dessert you've had lately? I'd love to know!


  1. That's pretty amazing that you had some great tea that was grown in Georgia! Mmm,
    that Italian Cream Cake looks awfully good, I haven't had any desserts lately, but that photo makes me want one. I don't do much baking in the summer, especially during a heat wave like we're having now, but the arrival of Fall will inspire me to bake something delicious.

  2. Both the tea and the cake look and sound delicious! Congratulations to Deberah for successfully growing the tea and sharing it with you.

  3. I would be curious what process your friend used to make the tea. I make tea from my tea plants too. It does come out as a slightly green/white tea, maybe a 1st flush Darjeeling. It seems when I am doing tasting of teas sent to me I loose track of what my favorite is and have to go back and find it again. I love a good 1st flush Darjeeling or Yunnan Gold Black. The dessert would be a brown sugar shortbread cookie with chopped salty pistachios. It goes perfect with a good cup of tea.

  4. We just had Portuguese Custard tarts topped with a dollop of homemade lemon curd and a few blueberries. Lovely! Stay cool. Stay safe. Elaine (in Toronto)

  5. Love the idea of that cake, I've never had it! Let me know if you have a great recipe please!

  6. That is so neat that Deberah makes her own tea. I am curious as to her process.
    The best tea I've had lately is a Ukraine tea that I picked up at the international grocery store.


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