Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Luzianne Tea's Watermelon & Honey Green Tea

The other week, my sweet neighbor had some lovely mulch left over from his family's landscaping project and offered to clear a path and spread it in my overgrown "tea garden," which had pretty much become a jungle over the past few years. The transformation was amazing, and I was thrilled. The first thing I did was put my little pink patio set inside the tea garden, and when the neighbor children—who are seven, five, and two—asked if we could have a tea party there, well, you won't be surprised that I whipped out a teapot, cut up some fruit, and we had tea! If I get permission from their parents, I may share some photos sometime, but because the five-year-old loves to eat watermelon and drink green tea with honey, it dawned on me that he might like this Luzianne Watermelon & Honey Tea I'd seen a while back!

Although they've approved of all the teas I've served so far, next time we have tea, I'm thinking of offering the kiddos a teapot of hot water and letting them select their own tea bag, and I want to have plenty of choices for them.

And what did this tea taste like when I tried it? Well, it really does have that lovely watermelon taste with a hint of honey, but this lifelong southern girl is having a bit of an issue with the idea of "hot" watermelon! Still, I think my little neighbors may enjoy it, so … we'll see!


  1. Tea parties in your garden with children sounds so lovely! I would think that watermelon & honey tea would be a good one to try over ice, especially this time of year.

  2. That's very sweet that you had an outdoor tea party with the neighbor kids! It WILL be interesting to see if the kids like that watermelon-honey tea next time.

  3. I'm sure they think you are the best neighbor ever. I bought this tea and my sons enjoyed it. I hope your neighbors do too.


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