Friday, June 21, 2024

A trick for viewing those old stereographic images …

I've shared quite a few of the Library of Congress's stereographic images over the years, especially after I developed the skill of looking at them properly. (You can Google articles online that tell you the basics, but it's rather like looking out a window at the horizon and ignoring the windows themselves.) But when I discovered this LOC image the other day, published in 1902 and titled "The preparation of tea in Japan. Firing tea," I stared and stared but just couldn't get it to work for me.

Then I had the thought, "What if I pulled the image up on my iPhone instead of my laptop?" And that worked! In fact, it became one of the best, most detailed 3D images I've viewed yet. So I hope that perhaps viewing it on a phone instead of a computer will work for some of you!


  1. That's a very interesting photo! I still can't quite get the stereographic part to work, either on my desktop or smart phone. But I'm almost there! I appreciate the tip anyway.

  2. Artikel yang cukup menarik, jika berkenan silahkan mampir ke situs kami di Apple Repair Service Store Surabaya juga ya... 🙏🏻


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