Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Receiving a surprise birthday gift in the mail!

Tea friend Susan B. in North Carolina recently surprised me with a birthday gift, and I’m so honored. I loved absolutely everything she sent!

First, I’ve been wanting a pretty new kitchen towel for a while now but haven’t spotted anything cute, so this one is just perfect and is now hanging in my kitchen!

I use tea bag rests to hold my single-cup tea infuser baskets, and this rosy one is a stunner!

Finally, I’d heard of these Literary Teas from Simpson & Vail for years but had never tried one. This Emily Dickinson Jasmine Tea is a blend that I’ll be reviewing here on Friday, so stay tuned …


  1. Perfect for you! My cousin gave me a tea towel just like that, and I thought “Angela would love this”! I’ve been looking but have not seen them anywhere - so I’m extra glad you have one. I look forward to your review of the tea. The tin is lovely on its own!

    1. Forgot to put my name AGAIN! This is Joy.

  2. Those are really nice birthday gifts--what a lovely surprise!


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