Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Rose-Shaped Ice Cube Trays

I bypassed these cute pink silicone ice cube trays the first time I saw them at T. J. Maxx because goodness knows I have way too much kitchen stuff already, a fact that is staring me in the face since my dining room stuff will be crammed in the kitchen, too, next week when new dining room flooring goes down. But it dawned on me that rose-shaped ice cubes would be gorgeous in a punch bowl, so before I went and bought a bunch of the trays, I decided to try one out.

The trays are a bit fussy to work with. You fill them through the little round openings at the back, and I apologize if you suddenly find yourself thinking about Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which isn't until October, but hey, I didn't design the thing.

And here's the first batch of the rose ice cubes I made. Pretty, huh? But I have found that the water spreads unevenly, so you may have some really thick roses and then some like the one at the bottom that isn't as thick. I'd like them to be completely uniform, so I'll be trying again to adjust the water level so these all look the same. They didn't pop out of the tray quite as easily as I'd expected, either, but still … rose ice cubes, y'all!

I wondered how a single one would look in a pretty tea goblet. Like this. They look like this, which wasn't as impressive as I'd hoped. But then I poured this water into a Tervis, and that was the chilliest ice water I've had all summer! Even as the giant ice cube slowly melted, it kept that water sooooo cold. So that's a win too. Now I'm thinking that I may buy one more of these ice cube trays, strictly so that I can have a pretty red tea punch to serve at Christmas or Valentine's Day (I would freeze cranberry juice for the ice cubes). Are you tempted by these? Would you have the patience to fiddle with them just to get pretty ice cubes?


  1. Pretty ice cubes for a special event - why not!

  2. Those ARE cute ice roses! Thanks for your report on the difficulties of using the tray and showing us how they look. I think you're right that cranberry juice roses would look very nice in a Christmas tea punch!

  3. They are cute and my first thought was for a punch bowl also. I wonder if you could also use them for butter if you only used half a tray?


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