Monday, September 9, 2024

A new vintage recipe: Apricot Nectar Cake

I'd been wanting to try a recipe that I found in one of the old metal recipe boxes I started collecting a few years ago, so I volunteered to make a cake for Bible study kickoff last week so that I would be able to share it. Typically, about half of a 13 x 9-inch cake will get eaten at such an event because of the wide array of treats, and I was happy that it was well received and that one friend liked it so much that she took home some of the leftovers. I also saved a few slices for teatime with my young neighbors, and I even had a few slices left for me. (When you slice a 13 x 9-inch cake into 1 x 2-inch bars, you end up with a lot of cake!)

The secret ingredients for this very moist apricot cake are a can of apricot nectar and a box of lemon-flavored Jell-O. And of course I have never met a lemon glaze that I didn't like.

This cake confirms my long-held belief that the more stained and weathered the cookbook page or printed recipe, the easier and better it is. If you want to make a delicious teatime treat that feeds a crowd, I definitely recommend this one, which paired well with some Earl Grey Lavender tea. Enjoy!


  1. Ooh, I love lemon glaze (well, lemon everything) and this sounds delicious. I may need to add those ingredients to my shopping list soon.

  2. Our family has made a similar cake for as long as I can remember, but it called Orange Glazed Lemon cake. Same cake recipe, except 3/4 cup each oil and water. Glaze is 2C powdered suagr and 1/3 C orange juice, 1T oil. Now I’m going to have to try it with apricot nectar! Thank you for posting it. - Cara

  3. I've never made anything with apricot nectar before, but that cake sounds good!

  4. Yum! Sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing

  5. P. S. What brand of lavender Earl Grey do you like? - Cara

    1. Cara, I’m currently enjoying the one from Revolution Tea. So good!

  6. That sounds so delicious. I make a lemon cake with Duncan Hines cake mix and pudding mix too, but apricot nectar just would bring it to an even better place.


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