Friday, September 13, 2024

A new flavor of stroopwafel

When I received a stroopwafel with a teacup last month, it reminded me how much I enjoy these lovely teatime treats. It also occurred to me that these would be fun to share with my little neighbors at teatime, so I looked for some when I was in T.J. Maxx this week. They love to add honey to their tea, and since the honey flavor was a new one to me, that's what I got, though they also had caramel, chocolate, and coffee flavors.

T.J. Maxx also had them in miniature sizes, but I like the ones that fit over the top of a teacup.

Or the top of a tea mug! The vessel doesn't matter, I suppose, as long as it provides the steam necessary to soften the stroopwafel. I enjoyed the new honey-flavored stroopwafel as much as the caramel-flavored ones I've had in the past. Are you a stroopwafel fan?



  1. I DO like stroopwafels! The caramel ones are the only kind I've ever seen. That's nice that you found those honey-flavored ones at T.J. Maxx. I'm sure your little tea-time friends will like them.

  2. My husband loves stroopwafels. I had no idea they came in different flavors. I'm sure your tea time friends will love them.

  3. I didn’t know they came in flavors, either! But honey ones sound perfect for tea.

  4. I have enjoyed these cookies in the past and also love the size that fits on top of the cup. They get warm and gooey and so much fun to eat.


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