Monday, July 22, 2024

Ezra's first birthday party!

My great-nephew, Ezra, turned one last week, and on Saturday, the family gathered at my sister's house in Tallapoosa for a big Mickey Mouse-themed birthday party with lots of family and friends! The birthday boy handled all the hoopla quite well and enjoyed opening presents and digging into his "smash cake."

He loves his Mickey Mouse cartoons, so Mickey was prominently featured in the food and decor, including the cake made by one of his grandmothers.

My niece Madison (who is expecting a little boy of her own this fall) ordered these cute and tasty sugar cookies from a local bakery.

She also cut out fruit into Mickey Mouse shapes, and while this wasn't technically a tea, I instantly had my mind opened to some new possibilities for teatime! As long as the design is as simple as the iconic Mickey Mouse shape, I can't imagine why we couldn't have fruit slices cut into teapot and teacup shapes.

Ezra's mom, my niece Cari, shows the chocolate cake that Daddy made for the grown-ups.

And I made some easy cupcakes with Oreos to represent the mouse ears. It was a fun day of celebrating a sweet little boy who has brought much joy to our family in the short time he's been with us!


  1. What fun! And good inspiration for future teas, too.

  2. That's looks like a great party for kids AND grown-ups! I love the photo of little Ezra
    enthusiastically going "tasting" his birthday cake!

  3. Happy Birthday Ezra! Love the party theme

  4. So cute! The party theme was carried out beautifully.


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