Wednesday, July 17, 2024

A surprise gift from a most thoughtful friend

My love language is tea, and my sweet friend Nancy in Senoia surely knew that when she mailed me this surprise package that arrived last week. Inside was a cute new tea mug, some tea, a beautiful teacup card, a bookmark, and the book she wanted to pass along, Widow to Widow by Genevieve Davis Ginsburg. Nancy has been a widow for quite a few years now and is one of the most energetic, encouraging women I know, so if this book helped her, I know it will help me. I've been slowly reading through all "the widow literature" that people have kindly shared, but I flipped open this book and found a passage that made me chuckle. Ginsburg writes:

"You’re so busy, you are never home." Widows wish people would go easy on that one. During the “running stage,” widows find home easier to run from than to. One woman said her neighbor not only commented regularly on how busy she seemed but also claimed to “envy” her social life. “It probably was meant as a compliment, but I wanted to punch her in the nose. Instead, I offered to change places with her, and she hasn’t spoken to me since.”

Oh, how that made me laugh! I have indeed heard some nutty things since my husband went to Heaven in April, but I know that people mean well, so I try to keep my smart mouth in check! I'm looking forward to reading more of this book.

And look at this beautiful card that came in my package! It's by Cavallini Papers, one of my favorite stationery companies.

I've already tried this delicious Maple Tea from M21 Luxury Tea, enjoyed in the new tea mug Nancy sent. It's delicious and has me thinking of fall and all the yummy seasonal flavors just around the corner. If it's possible to receive a hug through the mail, I think I just did.


  1. I think you received several hugs in that package! Love the mug - perfect for you.

  2. What a wonderful gift! Enjoy.

  3. You are fortunate to have such a thoughtful friend!


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