Monday, April 29, 2024

A new chapter begins …


Well, I think perhaps I’m ready to get back to blogging, but first, I just wanted to say a huge thanks to those of you who have sent cards, texted, messaged, or commented about Alex’s passing on April 10 (or as I like to refer to it, his “moving to Heaven,” as I believe that is a more accurate statement of things).

Alex had been living—and living pretty well—with reduced heart function for years, but about two years ago, in the summer of 2022, I nearly lost him. His heart function dipped, and he went into cardiogenic shock and spent several weeks in the hospital, finally coming home with a small but entirely mobile pump that infused heart medicine 24/7. At the time, I mentioned his hospitalization on this blog but didn’t camp out there (this was a tea blog, after all). Also, while we knew Alex’s prognosis was not good, he said he wanted us to try to live life as normally as possible and not be all “woe is me” during whatever time he had left. At first, we didn't believe that would be very long at all, and yet the Lord graciously gave us nearly two more whole years together! We would enjoy two more trips to Wisconsin to visit our grandsons and countless day trips together, seeing our Georgia granddaughter and grandson and exploring some fun new sites. Each night, we took turns praying and thanking God for his blessings that day. There was *always* something to be thankful for, even in the midst of his heart failure.

The photo above was from a Valentine’s tea at Tea Leaves and Thyme here in Georgia many years ago. It’s not the clearest photo, but I like it because it captures the way Alex made me feel, and I like that it shows his wedding band. Maybe we’ll get to enjoy tea in Heaven together once I get there. I miss this lovely man, who was truly the best earthly friend I ever had, more than I can say. But I wanted to start this week off by acknowledging my loss as well as the kindness of you friends, which has already brought me so much comfort. And next time, you can expect a more typical tea-related post here!


  1. Heavenly teatime together one in peace Alex. DonnaZ

  2. Oh, my friend, my heart aches when I think of you missing your dear Alex, but your faith shines through your writing and I know it sustains you. I am so glad that God gave you the last two years to make lovely memories with Alex. You remain in my prayers. ❤️

  3. What a perfect photo of Alex. He was a lovely man and I know how lucky he was to have you dear Angela. You are the very definition of GRACE! Marie

  4. Such a beautiful post, Angela! You are a testimony of God's sustaining grace in the midst of great loss, and a wonderful example of steadfast faith. May God's comfort and strength continue to be with you as you begin this 'new chapter.' Sending love and continued prayers to you.

  5. Thank you for sharing that wonderful photo of Alex. I'm glad that you enjoyed to the full the last two years that you had together.

  6. What a lovely post and photo. Blessings to you and your dear family. xo, V.

  7. The assurance of heaven is really our priceless treasure. It makes such a difference. As you well know, Jesus said "I go to prepare a place for you.....". We know we have an eternal home with the Lord.

  8. Dear Angela, so happy to hear from you. Have been keeping you in my prayers, and love to see what a beautiful inspiring life you continue to lead. I know Alex is with you always. LOVE!šŸ™šŸ’–

  9. Angela, It is nice to see you. Your post is a lovely tribute. Continued prayers for you my friend.

  10. Time heals all sorrow. Glad you have stepped forward and looking positive. You will have a dew bumps but we all push thru. Much peace coming your way. Linda W.

  11. So good to hear from you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
    Susan in NC

  12. What a special husband. You were blessed.


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