Friday, March 26, 2021

A tea-themed Easter postcard from 1927

With Easter just around the corner, I've had Easter Sunday (and bunnies) on my mind. I've found a few tea-themed vintage Easter postcards on eBay over the years, and when I browsed a few weeks ago, I found this one and wanted to share this sweet girl and her bunny friends with you!

Miss Mildred Schreib of Caledonia, New York, was sent this 1927 note by Martha W., who wrote, "Dear Mildred: Here's hoping you have a joyful Easter. Thank you for sending the birthday card. Sincerely, Martha W." I think I'm going to try to get a few Easter cards in the mail. Wouldn't it be nice to be remembered for a thoughtful gesture 94 years later? Hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy this spring weather!



  1. That's adorable, I'm so glad you found it.

  2. You find the neatest little bits of history, Angela. This one is no exception. ♥

    Hope you have an enjoyable weekend, too, my friend. Hugs.

  3. That is such a cute card, with the bunnies under the blooming fuchsia!
    The weather at this time of year CAN be very nice, but it can also be deadly. I was concerned to see that a tornado hit your town of Newnan just after midnight this morning, Angela. I hope you and your family and friends are all okay.

    1. Just now reading comments, but yes, we are fine! Thank you for asking!

  4. Such a sweet little postcard! And yes, bunnies and such are on our mind around here too. And you, dear friend, also. Such news out of Newnan, thinking of you and Alex, along with family. Prayers for all!

    1. We had no damage at all here, Nancy, and are very, very grateful! Thank you for those prayers!

  5. This is a very sweet Easter greeting. It looks like bunnies and eggs have been around for a long time.

  6. Angela! Just checking to see if you're ok. I heard about the awful weather in your area. Sending you warm thoughts.

    1. Thanks so much, and yes, we were blessedly untouched!

  7. I love, love the card. Vintage postcards are such a delight.


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