Thursday, November 20, 2014

The giveaway winner is … me!

Ha! Many times throughout the year you'll see a headline on here that says, "The giveaway winner is …" and it announces the winner of my latest giveaway. This week, I am delighted to report that my mailbox turned up a wonderful package that I won in a giveaway sponsored by my tea blogger friend Marilyn!

Among the goodies I received was this adorable red glass tea trivet. I knew immediately where I would use this, as I have two small desks in my office upstairs (one for writing, one for reading), and the "reading" desk needs a place to sit a mug of hot tea. Perfect!

I was especially happy to win this pretty red and purple teapot bracelet, as I have a new red sweater that needs some accessories. This is just what I needed!

The exuberant little girl on the front of this sweet mini book reminds me of Marilyn herself—I can almost imagine that's her in the whimsical tutus she sometimes wears!

And there was also a surprise bookmark tucked inside my box, always a most welcome gift in this house. Thanks so much, Marilyn, for hosting the giveaway and especially for picking me!


  1. Congratulations, Angela! You are a winner indeed!

  2. Congratulation indeed! I smiled when I saw on Marilyn's blog that you had won this sweet giveaway.

  3. It is nice to see you receiving a giveaway for a change! Marilyn included some sweet items in your package.

  4. How wonderful that YOU won Marilyn's giveaway, and that the items were perfectly suited to you.

  5. What a fun giveaway from Marilyn! So glad you are the winner.

  6. Cheers to you! So nice for you to receive a giveaway.

  7. Hooray! Angela won a giveaway too! Fun!

  8. Congratulations, Angela - so deserving! Enjoy your goodies, Joanie

  9. You are most welcome. Enjoy each and every little thing.


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