Thursday, October 2, 2014

"Tea Outdoors" by Marilyn J. Miller

Recently I learned that my fellow tea blogger Marilyn J. Miller had published a new book, "Tea Outdoors," so I ordered a copy and was delighted when it showed up in my mailbox earlier this week! Marilyn has often blogged about having teatime in the great outdoors over the years, so I knew I would enjoy her new book.

"As a young girl," she writes, "I spent most of my waking hours outdoors. A picnic was often tied in a bandana and tucked into my bicycle basket or carried on a walk in the woods. Now I love having my tea in the early morning on my back steps while enjoying the antics of squirrels and birds, thus taking time to pay attention to God's creation surrounding me."

The book includes teatime recipes and tips, and I appreciate Marilyn's advice that "oolongs, greens, and white tea are the best choice for using with thermos water, as the water can be cooler than boiling hot." I wouldn't have thought about that! There are also plenty of lovely tea quotations and scenic photography that will have you ready to head outdoors yourself with a simple teatime treat packed into an old lunchbox or tea basket, and perhaps with this sweet book tucked inside. If you're interested in getting a copy for yourself, please go here for more information. Congrats on your new book, Marilyn!


  1. Lovely book, congrats to Marilyn!

  2. This beautiful book is sitting on my desk right now.... love it!

  3. I've been meaning to order a copy for myself. Sounds like a great book.

  4. Thanks for the book review. I've been meaning to order my copy. Marilyn's other book, Tea Party in your Cupboard, is lovely too. How are your book projects coming?

  5. Thanks Angela! Tea outdoors touches my heart and this book was pure delight to put together.


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