Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Guess who's taking tea with Oprah?

I don't know about you, but one of the brightest spots in my day now is when the mail arrives. And thank goodness I subscribe to so many magazines! Oprah's is one that I somehow started getting for free a while back, and the April issue arrived this week. I haven't read this magazine consistently over the years, but I've been enjoying it lately, and I do believe this is the first time I've seen her having tea on the cover. While I don't always share Oprah's beliefs, I do think she's a generous, kind person who genuinely likes to help others, and I admire her for that. (And for encouraging so many people to pick up a book, of course!)

What's interesting is that she calls it "tea with a few of my favorite ladies," and these "ladies" are Sadie, a rescue cocker spaniel, and Sunny and Lauren, her springer spaniels. The phrase "you lucky dog" comes to mind, as I imagine it would be a fine thing to be one of Oprah's pets. The magazine notes that she gave them canine-friendly treats from her tea table.

And this final bit in this month's letter from Oprah had me going there for a moment. I love that she has a sense of humor!


  1. Those ladies are certainly lucky!

  2. That's a great cover photo of a different kind of tea party. She's definitely having Tea with Friends!

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